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海外会展策划公司​ | 柏林IFA全球活动CE China


海外会展策划公司 | 柏林IFA全球活动CE China


广州、柏林,2September 21, 2019: the IFA global event, CE China 2019, ends today. This time, it successfully landed in Berlin, with unprecedented splendor. Compared with last year, the number of brands participating in the exhibition almost doubled. 275 exhibitors presented their latest products and innovative solutions for consumer electronics and home appliances.展会紧跟行业大潮,展品范围也覆盖了虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)以及最新出行解决方案,如电动汽车、自动驾驶技术等。来自亚洲各地的零售商代表以及全球知名品牌在展会上直接建立了联系,同时也直面到场参观的消费者,了解他们的需求。 


In September 2019, with the success of CE China 2019, many exhibitors have been looking forward to the 2020 exhibition. Juonjun Ju, executive director of Overseas Sales Department of South Korean brand NUC, said: "I am very recognized for the organization of CE China exhibition, especially for the media coverage. The potential of the exhibition is very great, and we will definitely continue to attend next year. " Similarly, Germany's baoyale company is also planning to participate in the 2020 CE China exhibition. Le Kaikang, its managing director, explained: "in CE China, we not only have direct exchanges with many professionals, but also received feedback from many end users." Li Yinglong, sales director of China retail business of Sennheiser, added: "the CE China exhibition is very exciting. Many consumers and business partners came to our booth and experienced our products, which also gave us a lot of reference. I believe it will be of great benefit to our business development. "

在收到多方积极反馈的背景下,IFA执行董事、CE China董事长何彦思(Jens Heithecker)总结道:“CE China今年首次成功落地柏林,为明年——也就是第五届展会的举办打下了坚实的基础。

IFA总监高诺斯(Dirk Koslowski)则强调了亚洲地区零售商对CE China的极大兴趣:“来自印度、日本、韩国等地的零售商表示非常认可展会现场与展商进行商谈的绝佳环境。他们也有很强的意愿明年继续参加。”

此外,中国零售巨头苏宁也计划进一步扩大与CE China现有的战略合作伙伴关系。苏宁智能终端副总裁常江说:“四年来,苏宁一直是CE China非常紧密的合作伙伴。我们每年的合作都取得了巨大的成功。众多参展商和买家可以在CE China上直接体验苏宁的产品。我们也通过CE China与其他参展商合作,他们的优质产品也将被带到苏宁的线下及线上商城。”

September 2019 about CE China

As one of the global activities of IFA, CE China exhibition aims to connect high-quality brands, important market participants and retailers. CE China is a dynamic platform that brings together international brands and Asian retailers eager to bring new products to consumers. In order to further expand the successful concept of IFA exhibition in Berlin, Germany, and to bring more benefits to exhibitors and visitors,首度组织了德国国家展团。CE China已经成功与中国的顶尖零售商苏宁、天猫等达成了合作,今年CE China展会迎来了更多泛亚地区零售商和贸易平台代表来到现场。


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