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米兰会议策划公司 |米兰智造 驭见未来 | 米兰之窗招商会圆满成功


米兰会议策划公司 |米兰智造 驭见未来 | 米兰之窗招商会圆满成功



In 1999, Milan window as a high-end energy-saving door and window brand came into being, now through 20 spring and autumn, with science and technology to deduce the charm of doors and windows, very concerned about the customer's living experience, believe that "doors and windows change life, the world is different." With this red heart, on September 10, the window of Milan cordially invited all kinds of heroes from all over the country to gather and hold a grand meeting in Linqu, Shandong Province, with the theme of & quot;' Milan 'intellectual creation, see the Future ".



On the morning of the 10th, guests followed Tian Tiegang, deputy general manager of Shandong Base, to the production base to see the elegant demeanor and feel the charm of science and technology at close range. High-tech equipment caught the eye one by one-Germany Kangturui 125Vario is the most advanced intelligent production line in the world, Italy MAKOR spray line is the first automatic horizontal spraying line in China, using professional Klaes software, intelligent output control, operation engineers just press the button. Make full use of the combination of information communication technology and information physics system to realize the intelligent operation of the whole door and window production process. These intelligent devices not only ensure the product cycle and process quality, but also achieve human-computer interaction, provide customers with highly flexible personalized and digital products and services, and meet the customized and personalized needs.





"Industry 4.0" + Internet thinking mode for strategic layout, such as milan window can go in the forefront of The Times of enterprises, not only for their own survival and development occupies a great advantage, but also for the doors and Windows industry to provide a model for reference.


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