如今,高定热潮下,顶固也在不断继续向高定发力。发布会上,顶固集创家居董事长林新达在致辞中透露,今年,顶固结合自身的五金研发实力,潜心研究金属高定,深耕高定领域,In the era of industry 4.0, we strive to standardize non-standard high-quality products through digitization and intellectualization, so that consumers can enjoy light luxury products with high appearance value and quality, and improve the comfort of living space. It is the quality of the superhard core, the fashion leading design and the priority layout in the market that make dinggu a leader in the field of Gaoding. It not only won many awards such as 2020 Gaoding TOP10 brand and Gaoding TOP10 supply chain brand, but also became the founder member of China Gaoding club.
“高定”是一时风潮,还是未来趋势?是企业的自说自话,还是撬动企业新增长点的有力杠杆?什么样的高定产品消费者才会买单?发布会上,腾讯家居,优居新媒体总编辑、优居研究院院长张永志带来《高定品类大势与企业新思维 》的主题演讲。
据刘总介绍,“梦”系列高定新品凝结 “大道至简”的东方美学观念,And "hidden", "and" and "and" series of three new indoor fingerprint door locks combine the minimalist design style and the top fixed intelligent wardrobe system technology perfectly. A large number of special materials such as glass, carbon fiber and leather fabrics are integrated into the products, so that the metal is stripped from the cold characteristics, and the infinite possibility of minimalist and exquisite life is transmitted to consumers.