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海外活动执行 助力新一代尼古丁技术全球新品发布会


海外活动执行 助力新一代尼古丁技术全球新品发布会

“对于的电子烟行业而言,过去一年经历了起起落落,今天又站在了一个历史性的新起点。This industry needs to break through the situation, but as an enterprise, we hold the mentality of setting up a situation and hope to promote the development of this industry together with all partners with the continuous innovation of technology and products。”这是喜雾电子烟CEO陈敏在线上发布会直播上的开场白。 
由于疫情影响,不便于举办大型线下活动,4月8日上午9:00,喜雾举办了一场特殊的线上发布会直播——线上全球新品线上发布会直播,发布最新尼古丁技术研发成果“尼古丁X”,以及最新电子烟产品 S1。
Now the global e-cigarette industry and policy makers are hoping that the oils will move toward lower nicotine and de-flavoring. According to the release, in the nicotine X formula, the nicotine content of all the tobacco oil is 1.7%, no 2%, no more than 3%, but can give the traditional smokers more than 3% or 5% of the throat feel and top feeling, reduce the smokers return to the real smoke desire。
这个技术成果,被喜雾寄予厚望,“ 相信是一种能开启电子雾化烟油新时代的技术突破。”据透露,喜雾未来所有电子烟产品都将采取尼古丁X的1.7%超低尼古丁含量配方。



According to the report, the nicotine X formula is made up of different core modules, using a concept very similar to the popular lego bricks.
It culled from thousands of natural tobacco ingredients more than a dozen that scientists believe are related to addiction, taste and flavor. The range of requirements for each ingredient was then determined by precisely calculating the acid-base balance between these ingredients and nicotine.
为了保护这个研发成果,据喜雾介绍说,目前已针对性地采用了商业机密+全球专利申请的模式进行分别分模块的保护,在全A number of new formulations and smoke direction patents were applied in the sphere. Preliminary experiments have also been carried out in relation to these new patents and research and development.
Original craft, restore the flavor of Chinese flue-cured tobacco
When the nicotine X formula came out for the first time, xiyou decided to give priority to the use of original flavor process, restore the unique flavor of Chinese flue-cured tobacco flavor 3 mellow flavor combined with nicotine X to market, let Chinese smokers become the first users with nicotine X close contact.
It is understood that S is a brand new product series of xiyou after P (replaceable cartridge) and G (disposable) series. The new e-cigarette S1 is also the first product equipped with nicotine X formula.
在技术创新上,喜雾 S1 首创应用 MEMS 压差传感芯片技术,替代传统的气流开关,实时监测抽吸气流的强弱变化,即气道内产生的负压值,实时控制电池的输出功率,从而个性化且稳定地控制烟油的加热功率。意味着 S1 可根据烟民抽吸的深浅习惯,智能调节烟雾量。
喜雾首席运营官刘宇表示,“基于大量的用户调研数据 发现,烟民的抽吸习惯存在较大个体差异, 有人喜欢大口吸,享受大烟雾带来的冲击感;有人喜欢小口细细品味。但在工厂流水线批量生产的电子 烟所采用的吸阻是一样的,很难给用户带来量身定制的抽吸体验。喜雾研发团队在半年多时间内经过无 数次研发试验,最终在业界率先应用了通常被用于智能安全控制系统的 MEMS 压差传感芯片技术,希望烟民抽吸到的每一口都是‘私人订制’。”
William Rooney, head of product and supply chain at VPZ, the UK's largest e-cigarette chain, said he was "impressed by the excellent design and quality of the product and looks forward to bringing more surprises to UK consumers as a strategic partner." After many polishing and blending, xi yan S1 finally selected four undertones and elegant colors full of texture and vitality from PANTONE: pine green, midnight blue, coral red, and deep space gray.
据悉,喜雾 S1 在中国大陆首次发售后,并将进入英国、加拿大、马来西亚等市场。
喜雾电子烟CEO陈敏在演讲中说,疫情其实给整个电子烟行业造成了不小的冲击,喜雾同样是一家年轻的公司, 一样在经历着市场的洗礼。但 认为大浪淘沙之后依然站着的那些公司会有更大的机会,在未来的市场占据一席之地。
“ 选择在今天这个时点发布新技术和新产品,也是希望能够给行业注入信心,给 所有的合作伙伴注入信心。” 
"From 5%, 3% to 1.7% (nicotine content) in the industry, it seems that this is not just a change in Numbers, but will surely bring about a new round of development in the e-cigarette industry. The invention of nicotine salts increased the conversion rate of e-cigarette smokers in the United States by five or six times. How many times will this time? Let's wait and see!”
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