The first work of the year, Wu Yu and Dalian Vanke brand, planning and production of the Brand Ip Series Forum Live Broadcast Program "Da Wan you Meng Liao" , vanke Gemdale Hefengmingyue and Vanke Metropolis Xinghai present the most characteristic and content of real estate industry to help Vanke land and Fengmingyue and Vanke Metropolis Xinghai present the most distinctive and informative live webcasts of real estate, an interpretation of the memory changes and human settlement civilization of Dalian from the perspective of urban culture.最具特色和内容的线上直播发布会,以城市文化视角解读大连这座城市的记忆变迁与人居文明。
筹备初期,从拍摄地甄选、嘉宾RSVP、话题策划再到录制拍摄、后期统筹剪辑、直播出片,每一期在52小时Complete all work within 52 hours of each phase内完成后期全部工作并完美法国直播上线。现场通过长焦镜头多角度取景人物独立机位、手摇摄影对嘉宾说话做适度微调的呼吸感镜头,The soft and moist lighting on the scene perfectly realizes the documentary and round table variety show画面质感的拍摄效果。在执行过程中,对首期和风明月的内容传播给予策略性建议,让论坛嘉宾在聊天式谈话场景构建中轻松愉悦地呈现思想交流的碰撞,成为撬动流量、掀起话题高峰的引爆性核心。
万科 · 大都会星海一期,颠覆了首期的风格,The cover character of sagacious men with commercial temperament, deeply discusses the topic of cultural consumption and mainstream business community。延续悟漁团队对于录制现场环境及空间场景捕捉与应用的专业成熟把控,实现后期48小时完美上线。全片采用多场景视角对于论坛内容进行立体表现,引发直播弹幕的话题讨论与互动。以内容撬动品牌时代发声,大万有猛料不止一档节目。