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5月19日,欧洲广告策划首届线上婚博会正式拉开帷幕。本届线上婚博会以“超级婚礼季”为主题,Relying on baidu technology, connectivity and ecological capabilities to create an industry feast, to help the whole wedding industry chain realize digitalization and wisdom.Artiz, flower marry li she, orange photography, New York, New York, to happy and other well-known wedding brands have entered baidu“线上展厅”,为广大消费者带来全新的婚庆服务体验。



早在2月份,欧洲广告策划就开始积极筹划“线上云展会”,It was released in March. According to the official, baidu online cloud exhibition is not a "backup plan" during the epidemic, but hopes to jointly create a "new marketing model" with major industry associations, exhibition organizers and exhibitors.,真正致力于解决线下展会“吸引观众难、布展成本高和缺少数据追踪”等营销痛点。



It should be pointed out that the unique advantage of baidu online cloud exhibition lies in the "full link", that is, one-stop solution to the marketing problems before, during and after the exhibition.Among them, baidu's technical ability is the base, the global flow is the focus, and the marketing closed-loop and data tracking ability is the strong grasp of the online cloud exhibition.

Specifically, baidu online cloud exhibition is backed by baidu platform, which can plan in-depth topics and special reports before the exhibition, and accurately locate the target audience through big data.At the same time, the continued prosperity of baidu ecology provides strong system support for baidu cloud exhibition, such as the latest data from Questmobile,欧洲广告策划App一季度月活用户数达5.36亿,在国内所有App排名中较去年上涨两位。这就意味着,欧洲广告策划是海量流量的入口,可以整合信息流、欧洲广告策划APP开屏、百家号、搜索等站内流量及站外资源,为企业提供精准的展会引流,让展会借势欧洲广告策划流量金库,真正成为热门话题,在线上即可轻松覆盖海量受众。



It is worth mentioning that baidu online cloud exhibition is also the projection of baidu N.E.X.T. full-chain AI marketing capability in the exhibition industry. As a pioneer of AI marketing, baidu N.E.X.T. baidu full-chain AI marketing from strategy to content creativity, media placement and effect evaluation, through the whole marketing link, from the beginning of user demand to the end of decision, so as to make each link into a growth point.

Cloud exhibition into the trend, baidu ying significant positive

For the exhibition industry, baidu online cloud exhibition is undoubtedly a significant breakthrough,进入翻译页面,将是行业前进的方向。业内人士也分析认为,疫情大大加速了会展行业的数字化步伐,线上云展将成为会展业的新常态。此前,商务部办公厅印发《关于创新展会服务模式,培育展览业发展新动能有关工作的通知》,积极引导、动员和扶持企业举办线上展会,充分运用5G、VR、AR、大数据等现代信息技术手段,举办“云展览”,开展“云展示”、“云对接”、“云洽谈”、“云签约”。


5月中旬,The organizing committee of China (guangzhou) custom home furnishing exhibition officially reached a strategic cooperation with baidu, baidu will provide overall support for the custom home furnishing - online cloud exhibition, Sophia, Hollywood, shangpin home furnishing, top, piano and zhibang and other well-known custom home furnishing brands will enter baidu线上云展厅。同时,这也将是国内定制家居行业“线上云展”的首次落地,预估将覆盖数百万展会受众。



