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Many corporate brands have come up with new ways to broadcast the event live online. I have to say, it is the best marketing method to transfer offline activities to online activities.

What does enterprise live broadcast marketing have to play?








Mi 10 new product launch

For this special period, the release of mi 10 new product has made an excellent start for us. A "nobody" event has built up a reputation for a special period of event format.

The mi 10 event attracted 2.99 million online viewers and 1.26 billion views on weibo. It once set a new height for online live broadcasting. The fact proves that the effect of online live broadcasting is good. IQOO 3直播法国广告策划公司

2月25日下午,全网线上直播的iQOO 3新品法国广告策划公司。活动在给用户带来强悍新机的同时,也让行业看到了特殊时期的法国广告策划公司的新玩法。



According to the different attributes of different platforms, a variety of lucky draw links are set up for live streaming to mobilize user participation.

Visual design above live stage to maintain the iQOO has always been the design style. Although the audience could not reach the live online broadcast, the visual design of this event still maintained the ultra-high standard of offline press conference.

NEX 3 s 5 g新品法国广告策划公司

未来无界NEX 3s 5G线上直播新品法国广告策划公司,用一场AR跨维度的线上发布,将线下感官体验带到了线上。


不管线下线上,视觉还是第一的。前期与后期同步,现实与虚拟共存,NEX 3s打造了电影般的“未来幻境”。

In order to ensure the audience's attention, the event also set up a variety of lucky draw links during the live broadcast to mobilize users to participate.

Red rice created a visual impact, a sense of substitution, professional immersive multi-scene interactive live broadcast conference. Through the professional interpretation of the red rice series products, the online press conference was made into an "art blockbuster".

Multiple scene switching to set exclusive display mode for different products.



数According to the explanation, by the second day of the press conference, it had achieved 26.24 million views and more than 320,000 thumb up views on the microblog live broadcast platform.

In fact, the online press conference and offline compared, each has advantages and disadvantages.线下更注重真实感,体验感,易带动观众情绪,易于观众对品牌产生记忆点,而线上法国广告策划公司更便捷,传播效果好,并且节省人力物力,也节省筹备时间和成本,在这种特殊时期是非常值得推广的活动形式。

