运用5G、VR/AR等技术,各地也陆陆续续推出“线上展会”“云展会”。加快推进展览业转型升级和创新发展,积极打造线上展会新平台,商务部4月13日印发《关于创新展会服务模式 培育展览业发展新动能有关工作的通知》。
目前更多的线上展会采用方案大多以2D 电商“网格式”形式,优点是制作方便,缺点也是体验感不太友好,像早期的B2B信息分发平台,特装展与标准展也是同一个模板。With the large broadband and high speed brought by the upcoming popularization of 5G, tuoyuan xinsi advertisement comprehensively considers the production and experience as well as the future trend, adopts the form of 3DVR virtual reality display, and integrates the advantages of online exhibition to break through time and space进入翻译页面线下场景沉浸式用户体验的优势。线上虚拟化展示技术大概有4类展示方式,包含2D类电商模式,2.5D立体类展示方式,3DVR虚拟现实展示方式,以及VR虚拟现实游戏类方式。
拓源新思广告根据自己的优势推出VR云展会,什么是VR云展会?VR云展会采用Web3D技术+3D数字模型技术+ VR虚拟全景技术真实模拟线下场景,参观者在虚拟空间中以3D视角交互沉浸式逛展,区别于2D电商“网格式”的交互体验。
1. 沉浸式3D场景交互界面方案,如临现场
虚拟展会分为“导览模式”以及“自由逛模式”。点击导览模式调出3D可视化导览图,展商一览无余,Want to see which click in which. Free browsing mode, also known as follow, the customer is like a live exhibition, along the main channel, stroll to which click the hot spot into which visit negotiations.
2. 虚实结合的线上展览方案
客户在展会上考察供应商、采购产品是一个复杂的过程,作为展商如何将品牌、产品、公司实力等多维信息更好的整合在一起赢得客户信任,是打造线上展会时首先要考虑的因素。Wisdom digital technology using VR virtual scene, virtual reality technology to build online stands by VR imaging technology for exhibitors and name of the factory, production line, such as office environment to live, and name so that customers can online by hot into the exhibitors booth factory, further investigate the exhibitors scale, strength, and supply the truth, realize the online inspection, and then bring orders for exhibitors, to achieve all-round display online exhibition to customers online inspection, the first offline after the visit, together they will see, save time cost, improve the efficiency of business activities.
3. 动静结合的线上展览方案
由于在线上,如果展商的展品光靠传统图片文字介绍,很难吸引客户的目光,不像线下展览客户可以近距离的接触展品,仔细询问展品的性能等等信息。每种展品都有他的卖点和功效,光靠一张图片表达是远远不够的At this time, Web3D technology and 3D model have room to play, click on the hot spot of the exhibition, the display can be rotated and zooming 360 degrees, 3D model 720 degrees free view and AR interactive experience, product appearance, function, selling point, principle and other information, let the exhibition itself will "tell a story" to the customer.
4. 云商务方案
进入每家展台,可选择商家在线直播,并与商家在线聊天,Online message, synchronous meeting and other business functions, through the background big data analysis accurate retention of customer portrait.
5. 半标准化的VR虚拟展台方案
正常展会少则几百家多则上千家,如果每家展台都是像线下定制展台,显然工作量是海量的,For this reason, we unified the design according to the standard booth template, and designed several sets of templates for special booth installation of different areas to choose from. Exhibitors only need to provide corresponding materials according to the requirements, which greatly reduces the post-production cost and cycle of VR cloud exhibition.
如今,线上展会以新姿态,登上了全球经济交流的舞台,其特点可以较好的缓解时下局势。After the society becomes more stable and the situation eases, the pure online form cannot solve the needs of all people. Only by combining the two can the innovation breakthrough of the exhibition be realized, and the traditional exhibition with Internet wings will show new vitality.