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在 Giorgio Armani 的秀场云直播谢幕中落下大幕




But beauty and luxury are not compromised

This may be

Also for the future fashion development model

Opened a new chapter

特殊时期, Giorgio Armani 取消了传统的秀场发布形式,也未邀请任何嘉宾到场,而是改以网络直播的形式呈现了本季作品。大秀以 “天鹅绒的音符” 为主题,共发布 85 个全新造型。At the end of the show, 12 Chinese models showed up in elegant 2009 and 2019 haute couture gowns inspired by Chinese culture. Mr. Giorgio Armani chose the most special way to express his greetings and care for China.

Bottega Veneta 2020 秋季大秀男女装一同发布,创意总监 Daniel Lee 从全新的视角出发,呈现品牌独有的美学概念与精湛工艺。Intrecciato 编织工艺、飘逸夸张的流苏裙摆延续了品牌经典,色彩丰富而柔和,绯红,淡黄,奇异果绿,与黑色套装交织,构建出愉悦美妙的色彩组合。女性的优雅与力量在各处体现,塑造出独立而柔软的摩登女性,具有克制感与平衡感的美。


宋慧乔受邀出席 Bottega Veneta 2020 秋季大秀,她身着 Bottega Veneta 2020 春夏黑色梯领收腰裙装,干练造型不失知性优雅女人味。

Designer couple Lucie and Luke Meier have launched their new Jil Sander 2020 autumn/winter collection at milan fashion week. This season dress USES white, black and cream-colored give priority to move only, pass red, green, blue wait for a color to try to adorn, fabrics is handled through drape and tassel gimmick, the clipping of minimalism on collocation and the printing of cool tonal plant flowers. Show with industrial wind background display, no transition decoration, with the wooden chairs and wool version of the floor, fully reflect a natural minimalist atmosphere.

BOSS 本季致意新世代,超现代的剪裁、改良的外套和垂顺的针织单品邂逅于 Generations 系列,重释与再现 BOSS 标志性的符号,唤醒全新的当代美学。娴熟的裁剪工艺融汇前卫的休闲风格,设计出适合不同年龄、背景和行业的 BOSS 男、女士服装。长款外套、西装、皮衣、连衣裙及配饰伴有夺目的有机图案。超现代的裁剪工艺结合了前卫的休闲风格,编织皮革、流苏等元素展现了满满的细节感,珊瑚色、奶油色、碳黑色、藏蓝色 look 日常实穿,大衣等秋冬衣橱必备单品散发迷人的摩登质感。

Jeremy Scott Continue his interesting fashion trend. Moschino's inspiration for this season comes from Marie Antoinette's dramatic makeup and hemlines, as well as a variety of confectionery and cake dresses, perhaps reminiscent of 18th century afternoon tea, or the girls' comic the rose of Versailles... Elegant and gorgeous rococo style, full of details full of fun.

2020秋冬米兰时装周期间, Moncler Genius 项目发布了第三届系列, Jonathan Anderson 、 Matthew Williams 、 Craig Green 、 Hiroshi Fujiwara 、 Simone Rocha 、 Rick Owens 等特邀设计师为品牌献上了自己的创意合作作品。


Ports 1961 2020 秋冬系列在米兰时装周发布,艺术总监 Karl Templer 将东方美人与西方玫瑰巧妙相融,让温柔、自信的女性力量得到了全新演绎。油画质感的肖像印花,散发出迷人浪漫的波西米亚风情;外套大胆解构,花卉图案与装饰元素以个性化的方式重新组合。流动的丝绸、针织上衣和百褶裙,塑造出温柔、自信、充满力量的女性精英形象。

Salvatore Ferragamo 2020 Qiu dong series breaks the inherent thought that builds to the female to wear, practical in have a breakthrough, the elite temperament of professional female is leisurely and unhurried, handsome or elegant and enchanting freedom changes. This season, Salvatore Ferragamo has, as always, showcased the craftsmanship of shoe and handbag design, with a new collection of high heels made from parka, a flat, slingback Viva, a strong style of over-the-knee heels, a tough, simple cargo boot, and a crocodile boot made from upgraded leather.Trifolio 手袋、Studio 手袋以及植物印染纳帕手袋充分展示了 Salvatore Ferragamo 的自信精髓所在。www.towinevent.com
