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北京时间3月26日晚,华为在法国巴黎发布了P系列的最新旗舰手机——P30以及P30 Pro。在发布会结束后,华为消费者业务手机产品线总裁何刚接受了IT之家在内的媒体群访,围绕P30系列新品和大家谈了谈。

一年前发布的P20 Pro打破了DxO榜首记录,凭借着109分占榜了整整一年的时间,With the release of the P30 Pro, the P20 Pro has retreated to the second place. Huawei P30 Pro with its powerful leica four-camera and fierce 50-fold digital zoom ability, reached the top of the DxO with 112 points, becoming the flagship to lead the innovation of mobile photography technology.


在产品上,华为P30依然延续了徕卡三摄的设计,而P30 Pro搭载了潜望式结构摄像头的同时还加入了一枚TOF镜头。P30 Pro潜望式长焦镜头支持5倍光学变焦,10倍混合变焦,最大50倍数码变焦,在发布会现场,华为拿着P30 Pro同三星S10系列手机进行了现场对比。



The P30 Pro also upgraded, in view of the camera sensor from RGGB upgraded to RYYB, into the light have a 40% improvement, given the P30 Pro more powerful ability of dim light shooting, but P30 Pro sensor from green to yellow, be prone to problem of color, how can we see with Huang Guanglai into normal pictures? He gang revealed that there is actually a powerful technology behind.如果不是华为有这么强大的算法能力,我觉得很难在不同场景下调试出这么好的照片。


有媒体提问,去年P20系列发布之后,当时有一种说法是甩竞品一条街的说法,而今年随着P30 Pro的发布,是不是可以说甩两条街了呢?


在发布会结束后,有Many netizens found P30 except for upgrade in camera series, published last year in terms of hardware Mate 20 series is not much difference, aiming at the problem of how to position P series and Mate series, he said, I think the mobile phone market competition is more intense, after the release of a product if a year later we again on a new flagship, may competition pressure is relatively large. So now we're moving forward with two flagships a year. 'the P series is more focused on shooting and lifestyle,' Mr. He said. 'the Mate series is often our first model for our new chips.' So on the processor, there's a big 

微信截图_20200410165224.jpgimprovement in our computing power, in our processing power, in our algorithmic power, in our computing power. In terms of photos, the new Mate series is a relatively minor improvement over the previous P series, not a major one.


何刚表示,在消费者可以感知摄影的能力上面,:We've made a big improvement on this generation of the P30 series, and behind that is our strong r&d investment. We are applications for patent for the last year, most companies have more than 5800, it is our strong r&d, tens of thousands of our r&d engineers, plus the cost of research activity and we we in 2017, 2018, you can see our r&d investment, in all the world industry together, we in the TOP5, TOP6 position.



