发现·无限--法国皮尔卡丹秋冬 海外新品发布会
Pierre cardin Discovery O2O concept store creative synchronous release, bringing new business model and unlimited business opportunities.
Is the wisdom, but also the culture; Is the innovation, is the creation; Is the present, is the future.法国皮尔卡丹“发现·无限”秋冬新品发布会在品牌总部盛大举行,并取得圆满成功!本季新品发布会全面升华设计概念,注入创新与突破的无限力量。
为未来而生的恒远承诺,带来了皮尔卡丹Discovery(发现)020概念店的创意发布,从概念,到视觉,到产品,到服务……多元化的展示形式充分呈现了品牌对时尚产业的强大前瞻性与整合力。This press conference, for the first time the brand "discovery • unlimited" strategic concept, new initiatives and innovative mode into the market. To discover the full devotion, the pursuit of fashion art vision
皮尔卡丹整个发布会设计构思别出心裁,创建了一个时尚与艺术空间的发现之旅,以焕然一新,富有结构感的设计将本季概念、The culture, products and initiatives are on display. From the unique piccadan Discovery 020 concept store, to the cultural and artistic installations, to the balloon art display... The exquisite and fascinating detail arrangement allows guests to place themselves here, thinking, expressing, and perceiving the infinite power of the spirit of contemporary discovery.
创新即活力,颠覆传统时尚定义,本季新品融入全新设计元素与款式改变,赋予原创精神。除却对品牌专属Evolution元素的设计演变外,新主题系列Globle更充满了故事性与新鲜感。本季在保持一贯现代与雅致的同时,也在元素、材质以及廓形上做出了更多尝试,将皮Cardin style to a new height, showing a style of crossing the past and present posture.
Pierre cardin, founder of fashion art,
Born for the future, to discover and create infinite, open brand new pattern!
Pierre cardin, look forward to meeting you again next time!
拓源新思传媒towinevent.com是一家从事公关活动策划的专业公司,我们凭借强大的策划及执行能力,为客户全球会展、活动需求提供全方位一站式会议会展服务:海外活动策划公司\ 国外会议策划、会奖旅游、会展服务、活动策划执行、展览设计搭建、国外特装搭建等