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海外新品发布:RIVELAMILANO 探寻米兰 演绎和美


2019 RIVELAMILANO 探寻米兰 演绎和美

     海外新品发布: Harmel Home和之美此次家纺展期间推出的2019 RIVELAMILANO“探寻米兰”新系列,该系列是与顶尖国际设计师GiancarloTintori (黑山)携手之作。2019 RIVELAMILANO系列产品包含六个色系:NAVIGLIO、BUIO、CAMEO、NOCE、SIENA和PALAZZO。Giancarlo Tintori He draws inspiration from the architecture, interiors and rivers of milan, extracts the essence of the aesthetic style of the fashion capital and interprets it perfectly.


     BUIO,黑与白的交织是绝对的优雅,它们仿佛是米兰大教堂的白色大理石砌砖,在夜空中闪耀光芒。PALAZZO,一种柔和的灰色调(米色和灰色),它是冬日下午的精致色彩,好似微微薄雾给城市蒙上一层温柔的光晕。CAMEO,它是少女的肌肤的柔嫩,也是海底美丽的珊瑚,是女性魅力的感性诠释。NAVIGLIO,黎明来临之际,整个城市还在沉睡之中。The first rays of morning light reflected a clear, bright blue on the blue water of the canal. SIENA, one of the most beautiful golden marbles, has been used by designers and artisans to decorate countless buildings and interior Spaces in milan. NOCE, with its rich aroma like heavy wood, speaks of the subtle beauty of precious furniture from the middle ages to the present. Designer Giancarlo Tintori USES natural materials and original ecological design to give the fabric a natural soul, interpretation of the fabric dream.


    Harmel Home and beauty is committed to high-end integrated soft installation supporting services

Harmel Home and the rest of beauty 2019

This appearance, let more designers and public consumers to Harmel Home had a deep impression. The main line of Harmel Home presents two theme versions of "mountain color" and "Oriental bamboo charm" in this exhibition, one wall cloth book and one window screen book. By the new and old customers unanimously welcome, the scene response is warm.

Harmel Home and the rest of beauty 2019


      据创始人沈建春先生介绍,Harmel Home是一个致力于为高端酒店、会所、别墅及样板房项目提供整体软装深化配套服务的品牌,服务涵盖功能性装饰面料研发设计、应用场景深化配套服务和Harmel Home 方案设计。Harmel Home自成立以来就与美国,意大利等国外著名设计工作室、纺织科技公司、艺术及理工院校、博物馆等机构常年合作,努力融合创新工艺与时尚元素,不断推出现代时尚、奢华优雅的装饰面料产品与软装设计方案,为消费者提供个性化、多元化、国际化的产品与配套服务。






      On the evening of the 28th, he and zhimeite held the 2019 RIVELAMILANO product release conference and appreciation dinner at the puli hotel in milan. Vice President of China textile industry association, China's home textiles industry association of Yang Zhaohua, vice secretary of the CPC XuCun Town committee, the mayor of the people's governments XuCun Town Zhu Yangang Sir, ITALIAN DESIGN & ARCHITECTURE AGENCY founder Giancarlo, Mr Tintori Kokaistudios founder and chief architect Andrea Destefanis, Mr. Ivan cheng interior DESIGN (Shanghai) co., LTD., founder Mr Ivan cheng, Mr. Lian zicheng, founder of daguan zicheng international space Design, Mr. Zhou Chen Chen, founder and director of Frank Chou Design Studio, and Mr. Shen jianchun, chairman and general manager of zhejiang mayan cloth co., LTD., founder of hezhimei brand were all present.




     会上,诸位知名设计师与创始人沈建春先生一起参与了“2019和美软装趋势”论坛,就室内设计的软装流行趋势和设计师的选择等问题进行了深入探讨。沈建春先生在谈话中指出,2019 RIVELAMILANO设计师系列新品的发布是Harmel Home从中国品牌迈向国际品牌的关键一步,Harmel Home的目标是成为国际化的企业,Harmel Home希望通过面料这种极具亲和力的文化载体,为中国装饰面料的发展做出力所能及的贡献!

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