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厉害的不止有Mate Xs |海外策划公司



Last week, the GSMA (global association of mobile communications systems) announced that many companies were withdrawing due to the new pneumonia,决定取消此次在巴塞罗那召开的2020年全球移动通信大会(MWC2020)。

随后,华为宣布本次 海外策划公司“5G全场景”系列发布会将改为线上形式单独举行,时间就在2月24日晚21:00-23:00(北京时间)。本鸭已经囤好瓜子薯片,坐等发布会了!


根据之前曝光的海报等信息, 海外策划公司估计这次华为发布会亮相的新品将包括:折叠屏新机华为Mate Xs、5G版MatePad、PC等。

After the launch of the huawei Mate Xs, which is expected to have a folding screen, this duck will give you a good talk.It is reported that glory will also hold a global online launch event in Europe on February 24. Prior to this, it was reported that glory will bring the first phone running on the huawei HMS.根据以前的报道,华为已经布局建设自己的HMS生态很长一段时间了。这次正式在手机上预装上线,也就意味着华为在这一方面的建设已经取得了不小的进展。估计本次华为终端产品线上发布会,余承东也会向广大用户介绍一下HMS Core!



还记得去年5月,美国政府一声“禁令”, 海外策划公司:谷歌宣布停止与华为合作,不再提供谷歌移动服务(GMS)。

GMS 即谷歌应用全家桶,主要包含 YouTube、Google Play Store、Google Play Games、Google Now、谷歌地图等,以及基于谷歌账户的系统数据同步、备份、联系人、邮件等,这些构成 GMS 的核心应用,对于国外市场,GMS 服务对用户至关重要。


In order to break the blockade, huawei promoted hongmeng system to come out with one hand, and developed its own Core mobile service -- HMS Core, which is intended to replace Google GMS service and no longer be controlled by others!

You are mature, huawei

It's time to make your own ecosystem

For a time, "hongmeng" has become a hot word in science and technology, but just like the low-key master "sweeping monk" in the martial arts, behind hongmeng, HMS Core is a master like sweeping monk.HMS Core is a collection of huawei's mobile services and cloud open capabilities, quietly absorbing more developers to accelerate the development of huawei's HMS ecosystem. 

2020年1月15日,华为 HMS Core 4.0 全球上线,实现了用户规模、开发者和App 数量的大幅增长。鸭鸭第一时间关注了相关的信息,当时我就在想,华为手机啥时候会预装自有的应用市场?

后天华为的新品发布会,其实是一次“交考卷”现场,HMS Core 4.0版本的上线,从战略意义上来说,是华为构建HMS全球生态的重要里程碑。那么,HMS Core能成为华为摆脱GMS的开始吗?是时候晒一晒自己的成果了!

HMS Core希望打造成像苹果iOS,谷歌的Android一样,全面的生态系统,那势必要注重提升用户的使用感,HMS Core在这一方面做的怎么样呢?



For domestic consumers, huawei's HMS Core has long been a complete replacement for GMS services.But mapping is a big hurdle overseas.

大家千万不要以为“地图服务”只是一个简单的 APP 而已,对于智能手机来说,没有地图服务就像人没有了眼睛一样,提供路线导航只是一部分,地图服务是连接虚拟与现实的接口。

It has been revealed that huawei already has its own mapping service system, and has partnered with well-known foreign mapping companies to replace Google maps, which is not available in foreign countries. Huawei users abroad can also rest assured.

HMS Core提供的位置服务和定位服务,可以准确地识别用户的所在位置,获取你的周边信息。我们平时查询天气、点外卖都离不开它。

For example, when you go shopping, you can quickly find delicious and interesting food around you.,在外旅游的时候,帮你探索酒店景点当地美食与购物点,方便安排的旅游计划。这些看似平常的功能,都需要华为HMS Core有非常海量的位置信息储备。

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