"SPACE IT UP" is the theme of berri's new product in 2020. Based on "More than Kitchen", IT strengthens three trends of berri's popular residence:
1. More open flowing space
2. More abundant storage space
3. More functional social space
Each door panel, each handle, each color pattern, are more like a work of art, for the plain daily delivery of poetic elegant life aesthetics.Beri 2020 recently released 11 new door panels, 15 new handles and new side panel colors, 4 new closet patterns and new glass design elements.
CASCADA series are gentle and simple, warm and comfortable.Revealing the style of the mountain cottage, formed a school at the same time also inherited the aesthetic core of the rural style.
Siana oak panels from KANSAS series are rustic and cozy, yet classically elegant.It can be placed in any space in the home.Natural sunlight and natural wood blend, so that the conversation between each other seems particularly intimate and harmonious.As far as the eye can see, the space is filled with warm colors.And in the warm and natural at the same time more linxian art meaningful and elegant.
STRUCTURA 405系列的西雅娜橡木色面板纯粹而温润,可点缀以暗黑色彩,打造出极富现代感的空间风格,也拓展了空间风格塑造的可能性。
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