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美国国际有机产品博览会BIOFACH AMERICA 2019 圆满落幕啦!|海外活动策划


美国国际有机产品博览会BIOFACH AMERICA 2019 圆满落幕啦!

    美国会展策划执行公司:It ended at the Baltimore convention center.Natural Products Expo East was also held at the same time.作为北美地区领先的有机产品展,一年一届的美国国际有机食品展BIOFACH AMERICA ,Every September, exhibitors from around the world bring together new products, trends, and ideas for the U.S. international organic fair and the eastern natural products fair.

今年共计有来自全球超过200家展商、认证机构以及采购商参加了本届有机食品展,Wangyuan Camel Milk is the rising star of this exhibition.As the only camel milk brand in this exhibition, it is also a camel milk brand that has emerged due to poverty alleviation,这次带着新产品走出国门,带着价值至少50万美金的国际订单气势回归,这对于新疆阿勒泰地区福海县的牧民来说,是锦上添花的一笔。因为在2019年旺源驼奶因其国际化产品品质,全球领先的驼奶物理保鲜技术,已经获得丰厚利润,以及中国市场的尊重。


旺源驼奶海外事业部负责人贺清清表示:“脱贫,只是第一步,Poverty alleviation is only the first step. If we want stable international orders and the respect of global customers, we must strictly follow the habits of camels and their milk production, and not break the law of nature for profit只有遵循自然,才能给予世界最好的礼物”。

美国是有机食品的消费大国,随着人们对食品健康和食品安全问题的关注,有机食品的消费将不断扩大。早在90年代末,中国有机事业已经开始不断增长,中国有机产品以出口为主,满足海外对于有机食品的需求。发达国家成为有机食品企业必争之地,欧盟则又成为重中之重。Organic products account for a larger share of sales in Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Sweden, the United States and Belgium.As China's quality standards and food safety continue to improve, organic exports are set to benefit.

作为BIOFACH AMERICA 2019的中国参展商,江西林恩茶业的袁总表示:“The service of the exhibition hall is very good. The exhibition is of high quality and the security is in good order.The largest and most innovation-oriented high-end food show in the eastern United States.For the first time, I will participate in the product structure in the future.布展风格,现场推介方面做精准定位和后台准备后再去参与,对企业会有更大帮助”。


BIOFACH AMERICA 2020将于2020年9月24至26日在费城(Philadelphia)举行。BIOFACH全球有机展期待您的加入!

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